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The Jester

The Jester wears the Immortal Mask an ancient artiafact that can give the wearer near immortality because when something in the cosmos dies the extent of its life energy is shifted to the mask and its wearer. The Mask cant simply be removed ether and if it is the wearers life will be shifted into the mask. Creepy is a jester he lives on a world plagued by altering gravity. Creepy has imminence power that is limited by his imagination and willpower Creepy dosnt put much thought towards his power he just does whatever he wants or thinks would be entertaining one of his favorite activates is playing with his Punch and Judy style puppets Rex and Long. Creepy also possess an entire dimension inside his stalf however Creepy is unaware of this fact



The Vainwalkers are a species of plant based organisms that have evolved into five distinct sub-species that war with each other over territory. The five leaders of the tribes form the Gobukai or five warlords. The Vainwalker species is a favorite of Ables his hair is styled in similar fashion as his tribute to them 


The bigfoots are a species that walk to different dimensions via staircases. It is believed that the reason they do this is because they see themselves as a higher form of humanity and the travel to see if other races have caught up to them evolutionary. They are known for occasionally jumping off the staircases and messing about with the natural order. Kain and Able have had to deal with bigfoots so often they view them as a pest.    


The name Imp is a shorted version of Impossible Creature. These creatures reside in the space between realities. They keep the natural order by devouring the remnants of stagnating realities to make room for knew ones. Imps do not sleep they are constantly on the move searching for their next meal. Imp are unknown creatures to most intillegent life as usual contact with an Imp means the end of a dimension. Imps are reactionary creatures they are more like a force of nature. 


The Moa are an alternative version of Moa from New Zealand's history, however these Moa exist on a New Zealand thats a desert, these Moa roam in small groups and sport peacock like plumage on their backs. They primarily feed on small plant life and small lizards, bugs etc, because of their lack of predators they can live up to 50 years. They are a very docile species. The species most notable trait is that when a group forms and dig through the sand to find water deep below the surface, Moa crators are easily identifiable.  

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